Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Brown-butted Friend

You come across him and his likes often. He is present in sidewalks, in stores, almost everywhere. He goes by a variety of names and sizes. Some of his likes possess a dark colored butt and others have white ones. There are are thin ones, short ones, and tall ones.

At first, he may offer you strength and make you feel like you belong. He even makes you feel powerful at times when you walk alone. You can turn to him when you are depressed and when you are overwhelmed with stress.

You may not notice, but then, you are slowly growing close to him and his likes. In the first few days of your "friendship" you meet him only once or twice a day. But then, as time passes by you meet with him more often. Finally, you find yourself longing for him from time to time. Like any other friends you have, you have made a him a part of your life.

I think its time you think it over and you'll realize, he's not a friend worth keeping. He offers you a variety of pain and suffering. By having him around you, he slowly empties your pocket and gets a lion's share in your budget. Worst part is that he is not there for you in times when you undergo this pain and suffering he brought about. His presence would only make things worst. All the power and strength you may feel when you are beside him is all just a thing in your mind. What lies beneath that power is him making you weaker inside. You may not notice that in this instance but he really has a dark agenda inside of him.

Making friends has never been a bad thing. The thing is, you have to choose the kind of friends you make. True friends never leave you in pain and suffering. They offer you real strength in hard times. They make you feel better when you're alone.

It's not too late to break that bond with your brown-butted friend. Just think of how light and free you would feel and how you'd be better off without him. So let go of him as soon as you can.
This goes to my friends, family and everyone. If you have ever befriended cigarettes, please stop it now. They won't do you good. They also contribute to pollution. We would all be better off without them.

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