Thursday, September 6, 2007


Isn't it beautiful? A simple and quiet place to be free from the complex life of the city? A place where you can appreciate nature's beauty. Fresh air, sea breeze, less pollution, nice sunset, a view of nature at it's finest.

Being by the beach gives a sense of relaxation. A feeling of freedom. An escape from the stress of studies and different problems. The fresh sea breeze acts like a stimulant to the "fun side"inside of almost everybody. It also provides a great atmosphere to just sit down, relax and think things over. It's somehow the greatest recreation I know of.

I took this picture in a place called "Surip" in Pangasinan almost a year ago. I fell in-love with the place. In addition to that, "Surip" is classified as one of the Marine Reserves in the province. It was really fun watching the fishes swimming around(there were also marine life I saw for the first time in my life).

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